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Writing Suggestions


Write a letter to Deli.  What would you like to tell her or ask her?  If you send it to Deli, she will write back to you. 



Select a particular chapter in the book such as “Homecoming” and write down some things that might have happened when Deli returned home.  This can be done as a list, a paragraph or an alternative ending to the book.



Write a conversation between Deli and another character or an animal or person not in the book.



How well do you know the book?  Take a quick quiz:

  • Name two things Deli loves to do.

  • Who was with Great-Grandpa Grump on his search team?

  • What creatures did Deli meet in the forest?

  • Name at least two types of traps to catch mice.

  • What is Deli’s last name?

  • Deli likes to play games.  Name as many of them from the book as you can.

  • What activities do Lily and Deli share during “The Visit”?

  • Write some reasons why Jackie might behave the way she does.

  • Why is this book called “Deli’s Pickle”?

  • Who is your favorite character and why?



Pickles don’t end with Deli.  Here are some more problems.  Write a solution to one or more of them.  Have fun!

  • A bird flew off with the key to my house.

  • I am being accused of taking a hat from an alien.

  • My best friend disappeared in a cloud of dust.

  • I am being threatened by the neighbor’s long-horned bull.

  • I am swimming in a pool that suddenly becomes the ocean.

  • I start to eat my sack lunch and a tarantula crawls out of the bag.



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